Sutton Tales

 by Larry Dyhrberg


Sutton Tales traces the paths of Hélène Honoré Levesque and Gilbert Jenkins, two young Maine Milltowners, across the arc of the twentieth century. Hélène and Gilbert grow through the challenges and successes of life in their close-knit town on the banks of the Nine Falls River, even as the world that they know changes on the rapids of modern American life. Family, friends, and their own unique selves serve as the foundations of those journeys.

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 “I immediately fell in love with the two very different, but equally charming coming-of-age stories that were brought to life in the working-class town of Sutton, Maine. With its engaging characters and the beautiful language that gives a rich sense of time and place, the poignant Sutton Tales should be your next read!”

—Laura Kilmartin, author of Next Year I’ll Be Perfect, Westbrook, Maine

“Sutton Tales is an endearing coming-of-age story told from a Maine mill town steeped in tradition during trying times.”

—Kim Camery Millick, author of Rookie Warden, Falmouth, Maine

“With fine literary skill, Larry Dyhrberg brings us the life of two families and the town of Sutton, a small mill town in Maine. Through the eyes of Hélène, the daughter of a proud mill-working family of the early 1900s, we see the customs and culture of the Quebecois. And later, Gil, the son of a family doctor, grows up in the town now steeped in the ‘American’ culture of the 1950’s.

One town and two families, through which we see the essence of New Englanders, their sense of loyalty, courage, and belief in self.”

—Tana Leonhart, author of The Tobin Tree, Cape Elizabeth, Maine




Larry Dyhrberg taught history from 1964 through 2012, thirty-three years of which were at Westbrook High School in southern Maine. He lives on the family farm in Falmouth as un homme au foyer with his wife, Michelle, and Chaussette, le chien. His passion for writing has been stoked over the years by the support and superb criticism of his fiction workshop colleagues at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

